Age Verification Processes and Online Alcohol Deliveries

Alcohol Healthwatch recently published their study testing age verification processes for online alcohol deliveries. The study, completed in Auckland, concluded that it is common for online alcohol sales to be delivered without a request for identification or are left unattended (contactless) when delivered. The implications of such findings suggest that alcohol deliveries without a request for ID makes it easier for under 18-year-olds to access alcohol. Furthermore, the association between alcohol home deliveries with heavier drinking and extended drinking sessions, increases the potential for alcohol-related harm and injury.

Below is a list of key takeaway points from the study:

-73% of alcohol orders did not request age verification on delivery.

-49% of alcohol orders were left unattended (contactless) at the door.

-29.5 minutes was the average delivery time for alcohol delivery companies offering rapid delivery.

-87.5% of delivery companies broke their own restricted items policy.


The full article is available to read here via the New Zealand Medical Journal through a free subscription.