Workplace Kainga mahi
Our delivery of community safety messages to adults can be effectively delivered through workplaces
There is little difference between the mindset needed towards safety at work and that when at home. NPiS works with BeSafe Taranaki, ACC, and Worksafe New Zealand to spread the message that thinking safe shouldn’t stop when you get home from work.
Be Safe Taranaki, represented on the NPiS board, is a collaborative group of leaders from the Taranaki business community wanting to share and promote best practices in health and safety. Check out some of their innovative projects featured on this page.
The 2014/15 government review of workplace health and safety legislation has provided a focus for businesses and regulators to come together and talk about their mutual interests on a regular basis.
For more information about Roadsafe Taranaki please contact:
Lois Eggers
HSSE Delivery Co-Ordinator
Phone: 021 198 4897